The Hidden One
A Native North American Indian
A long time ago, in a
village by a lake, there lived a great hunter who was invisible. He was called
the Hidden One. It was known that any young woman who could see him would
become his bride, his loving wife.
Many were the hopeful
young women who visited his wigwam
at the far end of the village. Each was tested by the hunter’s sister, who was
called the Patient One. But years passed, and none succeeded.
“Don’t you dare tell
our father,” she would say, “or next time will be worse!”
When the father came
home, he would always ask in dismay,
“Why is she burnt again?”
The older sister
would answer, “The stupid, clumsy thing! She was playing with the fire, just like
you told her not to! She does not listen!”
The father would turn
to the younger. “Is this true?”
But she only bit her
lip and said nothing as she looked to the ground.
After a few years she
had so many scars, she was called “Little Scarface”. She lost her long
braids too, when her sister singed
them off with fire. She had to go barefoot and wear rags each day, for her
sister would not allow her any animal skins to make moccasins or new clothes.
Of course, the sister
made up all different reasons and stories to tell their father. And he would
shake his head in sorrow and feel disappointment with his younger daughter.
Now, in their village
people talked about a handsome hunter who no one could see, because the great
hunter was invisible. He was called
“The Hidden One.” All the single
girls in the village knew of him and each one of them wanted to marry him.
One day, the older
sister put on her finest clothes and many shiny strings of sea shell beads.
“Do you know what I’m
doing?” she asked Little Scarface. “I’m going to marry the Hidden One. Of
course, that’s something you could never dream of doing.”
Little Scarface bowed her head.
The older sister left
immediately and soon reached the wigwam at the edge of the village, where she
was greeted by the Patient One, the hunter’s sister.
“You are welcome,”
said the Patient One, “please come in.” “My brother will soon return from the
hunt. Come help me prepare the evening meal so we may eat with him.”
The two of them
worked awhile, until the sun was nearly down. After cooking, the Patient One
led the young girl to the shore of the lake.
“My brother comes,”
the Patient One said, pointing along the shore. “Do you see him?”
The young woman saw
no one, but she had decided to pretend. “Of course! There he is now!”
The eyes of the
Patient One narrowed. “What is his shoulder strap?”
“A strap of rawhide,” said the young woman,
thinking it was a safe guess.
The Patient One frowned. “Let us return to the wigwam.”
They had just
finished preparing for the meal when a deep voice said, “Greetings, my sister.”
The young woman
jumped in surprise. She stared at
the entrance, but saw no one.
“Greetings, my
brother,” replied the Patient One, “Welcome home”.
As the young woman
watched with wide big eyes, a moccasin appeared in mid-air and dropped to the
floor, followed by another. A moment later, bits of food were rising from a birch-bark tray near the fire and
vanishing into an invisible mouth.
The young woman
turned to the Patient One and sharply asked “When will our wedding take place?”
The Patient One
turned to her angrily. “What wedding? Do you think my brother would marry a
liar and a fool?”
The young woman was
stunned. She ran out of the wigwam crying and went home.
All the next morning
she stayed in bed, weeping and sobbing. Then Little Scarface came to
her and said: “Sister, let me have skins to make moccasins and new clothes. It
is my turn to visit the Hidden One.”
Her sister’s face
changed as she screamed “How dare you!”. She jumped up and slapped Little Scarface, knocking her to the floor. “Are you so
stupid to think you can do what I could not? Even if you saw him, do you think
he would marry a pathetic thing like
Little Scarface sank
back to her corner in tears.
She sat huddled for many, many hours, listening
to her sister howl and sob. Then she
rose steadily and said again, “It is my turn to visit the Hidden One.”
Her sister stopped
crying and stared at her scared sister in amazement.
Little Scarface went
to her father’s chest and took out an old pair of her father’s large moccasins.
She put them on her own small feet.
She then went out
into the woods with a strong look in her eyes.
In the woods she found
a birch tree and carefully stripped off the bark in a single sheet. From the sheets she made a suit of clothes,
which she put over her rags and tied them in place with strings of vine.
She then walked back
through the village to continue her journey
to the Hidden One’s home. Everyone in the village stared at her. “Look at Little
Scarface!” yelled a boy. “She is dressed like a tree!”
“Hey, Little Scarface,
are those moccasins big enough for your feet?” yelled a young boy.
“I do not believe
it!” an old woman said. “She is on her way to the Hidden One!”
“Little Scarface,”
called a young woman, “Did you burn yourself and singe your hair so short to look pretty for him?”
Ignoring their taunts and mocking laughter, Little Scarface walked on till she reached the
wigwam at the village edge.
The Patient One saw
Little Scarface and regarded the
young woman with surprise. Still she told her, “You are welcome. Come in”
Little Scarface then helped
her prepare the evening meal as The Patient One usually did. When the sun was
nearly down, she led Little Scarface to the lake.
“My brother comes,”
the Patient One told her. “Do you see him?”
Little Scarface gazed along the shore. “I’m not sure .
. . .” Then her eyes lit in wonder.
“Yes, I see him! Yet, how can there be such a one like him?”
The Patient One
looked at her curiously and asked, “What is his shoulder strap?”
“His shoulder strap
is . . . . . the Rainbow!”
The Patient One’s
eyes grew large and wide. “What about his bowstring?”
“His bowstring is . .
. the Milky Way!” With this response the Patient One finally smiled
and said “Let us return.”
When they reached the
wigwam, the Patient One took the strange clothes off Little Scarface and washed
her with water from a special jar. With the magical water the young woman’s scars disappeared, leaving her skin
shiny and smooth. Then she took out a magic comb. The comb made the young woman’s hair grow instantly to her
waist with each brush, making it ready for braiding
long black beautiful braids.
Then the Patient One
opened a chest and took out a beautiful wedding outfit. Little Scarface had
just finished putting it on when a deep voice said, “Greetings, my sister.”
Little Scarface
turned to the entrance and stared at the magnificent
young hunter. As their eyes met, she saw the surprise in his and happiness in
his eyes.
“Greetings, my
brother,” said the Patient One. “You are discovered!”
The Hidden One walked
over to Little Scarface and took her hands in his and said, “For years I have
waited to find a woman of pure heart and a brave spirit. Only such a girl could
see me. And now I shall ask your father for you to be my bride.”
So they were married.
And from then on, Little Scarface had a new name which everyone in the village
spoke... this new name was the Lovely One.... for she too, had been hidden, but
now was hidden no more.
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